
Bass Strait Trans­port uti­lizes all three ship­ping sup­pli­ers dai­ly between Mel­bourne and Tas­ma­nia. Uti­liz­ing all three ship­ping lines gives BST more flex­i­bil­i­ty and load­ing capac­i­ty each night, assist­ing us in pro­vid­ing tai­lored Full load options and quick­er tran­sit times into all major towns in Tasmania. 

As every customer’s require­ments are dif­fer­ent such as gen­er­al, express or haz­ardous, to name a few, hav­ing three reli­able ship­ping sup­pli­ers is cru­cial to pro­vid­ing the ser­vice that no oth­er Tran Bass trans­port com­pa­ny in the mar­ket can provide 

Our three ship­ping sup­pli­ers are:
- Strait Link
- Searoad
- TT-Line