Inter­state Freight

At Bass Strait Trans­port, we can con­nect you from any­where in Aus­tralia through Tas­ma­nia and any­where out of Tas­ma­nia into Australia.

Our exten­sive nation­wide net­work allows us to pro­vide trans­port ser­vices for all freight types from any­where in Aus­tralia to Tas­ma­nia. In addi­tion, we have var­i­ous close part­ners who each spe­cialise in spe­cif­ic lanes to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble ser­vice for our customers.

Our expe­ri­enced team man­age all inter­state freight move­ments dai­ly to ensure your freight meets its con­nect­ing car­ri­er and on to its final destination.

Bass Strait Trans­port has part­nered with spe­cialised car­ri­ers to ser­vice any require­ments our cus­tomers may have, rang­ing from Gen­er­al / Express Freight, Haz­ardous and Bulk Dan­ger­ous Goods, Full Con­tain­er Loads, Full Trail­er Load and Out of Gauge Load.